The Association “Estetica”, in partnership with “Neoanalysis”, Greece, are starting the implementation of the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. Their joint efforts are aimed at achieving the main goal of the project, namely the identification, transfer and implementation of innovative practices in the field of art by building digitization skills and developing art of a new generation NFT – Non Fungible Token.
The successful implementation of the project activities will contribute to optimizing the conditions for the inclusion of young people in the labor market, through transfer and introduction of innovative social practice.
The TARGET GROUP to which the “Youth Digital Kickstart” project is directed is with a profile between 18 and 30 years old, not engaged in work, incl. young people at risk of social exclusion and those from marginalized communities.
INTERESTED PARTIES in the project will include employers in the field of art, career centers, development centers, IT companies, NGOs that have a need for young employees with knowledge and competences in digital art.
Implementation period: 01.09.2022 – 30.09.2023
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