Digital Youth Kickstart

"Youth Digital Kickstart" Events

The “Youth Digital Kickstart” project with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205 is being implemented.

Beneficiary: Association “Esthetics”, Bulgaria.

Partner: Neoanalysis, Greece.



The implementation of Activity 5 “Testing, presentation and evaluation of the platform” in the period 04/01/2023 – 08/31/2023 is pending.

Within the framework of the activity, a series of events related to testing the platform, presenting its functionality to the target group, and evaluating the performance will be organized and held:


  1. Test-run – testing will be carried out by 3 members from the association ESTETIKA, Bulgaria, and three from NEOANALYSIS, Greece.
  2. Workshop – 20 young people (10 people each from the two partner organizations), part of the target group, will be presented with the functionalities of the platform. The event will take place in parallel in both countries. In addition to the representatives of the target group, three members each of the leading and partner organizations of the project will participate in the event.
  3.  The target group that will directly benefit from the planned events will have the following profile:

– 20 young people between 18 and 30 years old, not engaged in work, including young people from marginalized communities who are interested in developing digital skills.


The results of the activity are aimed both at the representatives of the target group of young people and at employers in the field of art, career centers, development centers, IT companies, and NGOs.


Project implementation period 09/01/2022 – 09/30/2023


Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are entirely those of their author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for them.