Digital Youth Kickstart

Activity 6 - "Publicity and Final Information Event"

Association “Estetica” and Neoanalysis, Greece, are implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205.

Activity 6 “Publicity and Final Information Event” is in progress, during which the information event “Young people and the digital professions of the future” was held in the town of Vidin, Bulgaria, on 26.08.2023.


The purpose of the event was to present the results of the activities to a wide range of interested parties. Experts from the two partner organizations, representatives from the target group and representatives with their own businesses, marketing-oriented professionals, journalists, photographers, software developers, teachers etc. took part in the event.


During the event, the general public was informed about the goals and priorities of the Erasmus+ Program, emphasizing the opportunities for building new and broader forms of transnational cooperation, the integrated application of ICT and educational resources, as well as better linking of learning with the practical use of language skills. The event coincides with the fourth workshop, part of Activity 2.  


Project implementation period: 01.09.2022- 30.09.2023


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