On April 3- 8, 2024, staff members from Neoanalysis traveled to Poland to meet the members of the Polish association Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno Oświatowe Wsi Dominikowice (SKOWD) . The trip was organized within the framework of the project “Exchange of experience of partner organizations in non-formal education of youth based on social education.” – KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in the youth sector.
The mobility aimed at the sharing of experiences and know-how on educational methods and tools among the staff of the two institutions. The representatives of Neoanalysis who participated, had the chance to be introduced to the work of the hosting organization and to participate in many interesting workshops. The guests experienced traditional cuisine and got acquainted with the culture of a region of Poland, with a special focus on Malopolska. Finally, they became aware of the contribution of art to education by attending a theatre workshop, thanks to the theatre group “Open Door” under the guidance of Mr Tomasz Tajak.
A unique opportunity for the development and strengthening of international cooperation networks was provided through the two participating organisations’ exchange of experiences in their field of action. Neoanalysis is grateful for this special chance that was offered to her, to organize this mobility and host educators from Poland that work with children at risk.