Enriching Minds, Changing Lives


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PROmote digital ACTivism through digital tools & support young people's active participation and help them cultivate their digital skills

Defending The Right To Humanity For All

Raise awareness & empower young people to understand inclusion & support minorities


Enhance Youth Workers' knowlderge & skills on digital citizenship & science literacy

Erasmus Boosters

Development of a new learning & teaching while educating citizen about EU opportunities

Youth Digital Kickstart

Idyentify, transfer and implement innovative practices in the field of Art


The European Exchange Programme for Young Entrepreneurs



Erasmus for young entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme that gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on his/her business and gets the opportunity to cooperate with foreign partners or learn about new markets.

Work with Us

Would you like to start a partnership with us in the contect of the Erasmus+? We can offer you a motivated and expert team of project managers. If you would like to know more about how we could cooperate, please send us an e-mail at We will reply to you as soon as possible.


For more information, check our PIF (Partner Identification Form) below.