Title: Actions of raising of public awareness on buildings energy saving, production of information material, organization and implementation of the final conference on the TRACE project
The objectives of the project:
- Monitoring the progress of the TRACE communication project of the Municipality of Piraeus
- Printing and distribution of 700 and 150 copies of brochures and posters
- Translation of e-newsletters
- Drafting and/or translation and press releases
- Design and implementation of an awareness campaign for the Municipality of Piraeus
- Reporting of relevant to the project events
- Planning and organizing an info day
- Planning and organizing the final conference of the project in Piraeus
- Production of info material
For more information click on the following links!
Press Releases
- Press Release – Public Information Event on «Energy Efficient Buildings»
- PRESS RELEASE – TRACE Final Conference: «Improvement of buildings energy performance and efficiency – Sustainable Communities in South East Europe»