• +30 2105232044
  • info@neoanalysis.eu
  • Athens, Attica, Greece


Activity 6 – “Publicity and Final Information Event”

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER Digital Youth Kickstart Activity 6 – “Publicity and Final Information Event” Association “Estetica” and Neoanalysis, Greece, are implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. Activity 6 “Publicity and Final Information Event” is in progress, during which the information event “Young people and the digital professions […]

Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 4th Meeting

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER Digital Youth Kickstart Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 4th Meeting The Association “Estetica” and Neoanalysis, Greece are implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. Activity 2 “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” […]

Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 3rd Meeting

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER Digital Youth Kickstart Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 3rd Meeting The Association “Esthetics” and Neoanalysis, Greece, are in the process of implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. Activity 2 “Exchange of experience and transfer of […]

Activity 4 – “Development of a blockchain web platform for the creation and exchange of NFT products”

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER Digital Youth Kickstart Activity 4 – “Development of a blockchain web platform for creation and exchange of NFT products” The Association “Estetica”, Bulgaria and Neoanalysis, Greece, are implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. The implementation of Activity 4 was completed – “Development of a […]

Handbook for Science Literacy and Digital Citizenship

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER INSTALL youth – Handbook for Science Literacy and Digital Citizenship We are glad to announce that the Install Youth Handbook is finally out! This Handbook is the result of the joint efforts of the partner consortium (yEUth, C.R.E.A., and Neoanalysis) and participants of Install Youth Blended Mobility, […]

Install Youth Local Challenges for NEOANALYSIS

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS ERASMUS+ WORK WITH US REGISTER NIDS2023 INSTALL youth In a world that’s rapidly evolving with technology and the ever-growing importance of digital literacy and scientific knowledge, it’s vital that today’s youth are well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The ‘Install Youth Local Challenges’ event, held in Athens, […]


HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER INSTALL youth – BLENDED MOBILITY ON NEOANALYSIS From the 23rd to the 28th of January 2023, in Athens, Greece Neoanalysis had the pleasure to host a 5-day blended mobility in the context of the project Install Youth – DevelopINg Scientific and digiTAl citizenship skiLLs for disadvantaged YOUTH […]

Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 2nd Meeting

HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER Digital Youth Kickstart Activity 2 – “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” / 2nd Meeting The Association “Estetica” and Neoanalysis, Greece, are implementing the project “Youth Digital Kickstart” with No. 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205. Activity 2 “Exchange of experience and transfer of good practices between partners” […]


HOME OUR SERVICES ABOUT US INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US REGISTER ERASMUS BOOSTERS WINNERS Dear Erasmus Friends, Thank you for participating in the Erasmus Boosters Competition! We have received many applications and we are glad to announce the winners: 01 Young ambassadors’ chain of favours 02 Living Library 03 The Erasmus+ Get Out of Bed Tour Other Categories: […]


        HOME INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WORK WITH US INSTALL YOUTH – BLENDED MOBILITY A 5-Day Blended Mobility took place in Athens, Greece from the 23rd to the 28th of January 2023. The main aim of the blended mobility was to enable youth workers and ict/science educators to discuss and test the training content and format for […]