About the Project

Title: DevelopINg Scientific and digiTAl citizenship skiLLs for disadvantaged YOUTH
Project ID:2021-2-NL02-KA210-YOU000050395
Duration: March 2022 – July 2023



Stichting yEUth




C.R.E.A. European Youth Group


The Covid-19 pandemic has once again proven the fundamental need to enable youth to search for, find and critically analyze information, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources, in order to actively respond to societal challenges. 
INSTALL YOUTH project intends to respond to the above needs, promoting the exchange of good practices in scientific literacy and digital citizenship education for young people.


The concrete objectives of the project are to:

1. Establish a partnership to research and exchange experiences and good practices on
digital citizenship and science education for disadvantaged youth
2. Contribute to the improvement of digital citizenship and science literacy education by developing a set of non-formal education tools and methods that will complement formal curricula
3. Provide a group of disadvantaged young people with learning opportunities that will equip them with a set of skills (basic digital & digital citizenship competences; science literacy skills) that are necessary in the 21st century for their uncompromised participation in professional & social life, and for their empowerment as critically thinking and active citizens
4. Strengthen youth educators’ competences in working with disadvantaged youth on obtaining critical 21st century skills
5. Build the capacity and enhance cooperation among organizations and stakeholders active in the field of youth empowerment, digital citizenship and science education digitalised worlds as it enables youth workers to actively respond to contemporary societal challenges 


Activity 1
Research on non-formal education programs and good practices that promote digital citizenship and scientific literacy

The partners will carry out research on non-formal education teaching programs and good practices (interventions, policies, programs designed by the public/private/not-for-profit sector, specific education tools or approaches) promoting digital citizenship and scientific literacy. Each
partner will identify:
- 5 national good practices
- 10 international good practices

Activity 2
Blended Mobility (BM) for Educators & Handbook creation

A 5-day Blended Mobility(BM) will take place in Athens, Greece, on May 2022 with the aim to enable youth workers & ICT/Science educators discuss & test the training content & format for digital citizenship & science literacy upskilling during the local INSTALL Challenge weeks for disadvantaged young learners.


The 2nd part of the BM will be online & consist of a series of 8 weekly meetings among the participants of PART A for the coordination & exchange of ideas & feedback on the continuous process of the development of the non-formal education Handbook, that aims to serve as a complement to formal curricula for digital citizenship & science literacy


Activity 3
Local INSTALL Challenges for Youth

One 7-day long local education activity open for disadvantaged young people will take place in each partner country (Local INSTALL Challenge Week), with the aim to provide participants with crucial competencies for navigating in the contemporary environment of rapid technological &
scientific developments & explosion of information, much of it with questionable authenticity & reliability, i.e. to enhance disadvantaged youngsters’ digital citizenship- & science literacy skills.

Activity 4
Online Youth Competition

Phase 1 – Competition preparation phase
In the competition 2 groups of youngsters will take part: i) the disadvantaged youngsters, who participated in the INSTALL local challenges in all 3 partner countries, but also ii) young people
from the partner countries, who have not participated in any other learning event of INSTALL project. The second group of youngsters will be recruited through open invitations in the local community.


Phase 2 – INSTALL competition
The online competition will have the form of a Kahoot quiz with 50 questions pertaining to the digital citizenship and science literacy subjects covered during the local challenge workshops, and will call participants to not just utilize their knowledge on those topics, but also the relevant skills.
The youngsters with the 3 best scores will receive awards. 


INSTALL is designed to take an inclusive and holistic approach to ensure access for disadvantaged youth, and help cultivate not just knowledge but also the soft skills & core competencies that they need to become active and ethical users of digital technologies, as well as scientifically literate, critically thinking citizens.
At the same time, technological and scientific knowledge progress at a great speed creates substantial challenges for the people working in the education sector. INSTALL aims to make an impact also by supporting educators keep up with the new challenges, and by creating a structure of continuous capacity building & professional, pedagogical development.