Digital Youth Kickstart

About the Project

Title: Digital Youth Kickstart
Project ID: 2022-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000081205
Duration: September 2022 – September 2023







The career guidance of young people in the field of digital art is at an initial stage and is based on the third generation of the Internet associated with blockchain technology. This innovative field of expression holds enormous potential for the future work of anyone interested in new technologies and the professions of the future. A large number of young people tend to look at their future professional life with fear or uncertainty. The presence of such stress, especially related to rejection of employment, problems with the quality of work, insecure jobs or social pressure to stay in a given position, has a negative impact on their emotional state. With the “Youth Digital Kickstart” project, efforts will be made to counteract these processes and to build the necessary confidence in young people that they possess the qualities of knowledgeable and capable individuals, capable of coping with the challenges of dynamically changing market conditions. labor.


The main goal of Youth Digital Kickstart project is to identity, transfer and implement innovative practices in the field of art thorugh building skills for digitalisation and development of the next generation Art NFT – Non Fungible Token


To achieve the main goal, we set the following SPECIFIC GOALS:

– Implementation of cooperation related to exchange of experience, good practices and models for ensuring sustainable youth employment

– Building partnerships with a focus on the field of employment in the two participating countries and to identify and implement priorities and actions, to find solutions to common problems

– Increasing public awareness, through dissemination and transfer of the innovative results, a consequence of the applied practice



Activity 1

Held 4 meetings between the partners for the exchange of experience and the transfer of good practices in the field of digitization and the sustainable integration of young people in the labor market;partner will identify:
- 5 national good practices
- 10 international good practices

Activity 2
Development of NFT products

Developed innovative blockchain web platform for creation and exchange of NFT products;

Activity 3
Awareness Campaign

Conducted a wide campaign to popularize the results, including a series of events such as Test-run, workshop, 5 focus groups, final information event


The successful implementation of the project activities will lead to optimization of the conditions for the inclusion of young people in the labor market, through transfer and introduction of innovative social practice, which will also contribute to the implementation of the selected priority of the Erasmus + Program – ADDRESSING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL READINESS, RESILIENCE AND CAPACITY
