Our Services


NEOANALYSIS is officially tasked with the further development and administrative management and activity coordination of IIS and constitutes the permanent organizer of ITS and NIDS Conferences.


It is the basic strategic plan for the development of Greece with the assistance of significant resources coming from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) of the European Union.


NEOANALYSIS has dynamically entered the field of Erasmus+ KA2 Small-scale Partnerships(Cooperation among organizations and institutions).


NEOANALYSIS enjoys a rich experience in evaluation work for projects and programmes in the private and public sector (several ministries, bodies and organisations, such as higher education institutes, etc).


Over the years, NEOANALYSIS has developed several projects and local activities in the context of cultural heritage, employability and integration, etc.

About us

NEOANALYSIS is a consulting  and event management company established in Athens/Greece. Its aim is to provide specialized services in the field of “human resource development” with a focus on consulting services for the planning, monitoring and evaluation projects and programs, on event management and conference organisation, as well as on projects in the field of education and culture.

For more information click on the following link!

NEOANALYSIS is a consulting and event management company established in Athens/Greece. Its aim is to provide specialized services in the field of “human resource development” with a focus on consulting services for the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of projects and programs, on event management and conference organization, as well as on projects in the field of education and culture. NEOANALYSIS objectives and activities focus on:


–  education, tutoring, and training through the use of  smart methodologies, curricula, and mentoring

–  employability with a focus on human empowerment, skills development, and digital accessibility

–  consulting services for the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of projects and structural programs in various socioeconomic fields such as education, environment, sustainability, and intelligent systems

–  organization of scientific conferences


In addition to its highly qualified personnel, NEOANALYSIS is proud of its extensive, reliable, and efficient collaborators network, including academic and research institutions, companies providing complementary services, and project experts. Each single project is considered unique and is being planned and developed according to each client’s special requirements and needs. NEOANALYSIS maintains an extensive network of collaborators in Greece and abroad, including academic and research institutions, companies providing complementary services as well and individual experts who reinforce its high-standard personnel on a project basis. NEOANALYSIS is proud to launch an aspiring academic and research project in the form of the Institute of Intelligent Systems, which constitutes the umbrella of international conference organization and other scientific activities in the field of Intelligent Systems. A novel development of NEOANALYSIS activities is the inauguration of the LYDRAMA brand, in the context of which educational and cultural projects and trips are planned, coordinated, and implemented.

Work with Us

Throughout time, Neoanalysis is growing step by step. We truly believe that every person working in the organization deserves the same working treatment, and more importantly, s/he deserves to work having responsibilities and putting into practice everything related to what he has studied during her/his academic curricula.


Neoanalysis is very active in every field, we do collaborate with different European Projects (Erasmus+ Traineeship, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, etc.) for what concerns incoming job positions.


We welcome everyone who is dynamic and willing to contribute to Neoanalysis’s mission. If you want to check further the working opportunities, click on the following link where we present you with all the opportunities:

Our Team

Kitty Panourgia

Managing Director

Isaak Tsepelis

Web Developer

Caroline Abdelshohada

Assistant Project Manager

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